Happy Monday Club
Forget feeling negative about Mondays. Its time to embrace the beginning of the week and join the Happy Monday Club…
My pal Cory from Curious Boys and Girls has been writing posts about the Happy Monday Club for a couple of months. I have enjoyed reading and listening to them. So when Monday comes around I keep an eye out for them on Insta. When he asked if I would like to create a Happy Monday Club post I jumped at the chance!
…Only thing is I’m still not that confident with appearing on camera so I got creative with my short film instead. Any excuse to get my pens out! Check it out…
Where the idea came from
Over to the creator for a few words…
“The Happy Monday Club Was born out of my time in America. Everyone used to say Happy Friday excited for the weekend to come and get away from the stresses of work life. Coming home and being around the grey skies a lot more I began to think why not flip the script. Change the narrative we should be excited to go work or for the start of a new week. No more of this blue Monday, we need to be positive we need to feel energised and inspired. I need to be energised and inspired, my kids do and if I can take a few people on the way then even better.
What Makes You Happy?
Use it as a source of inspiration to drive and start your week on the right foot. It may not always be positive and we are allowed bad days. But the intention is change turn the page and write a new chapter.” Cory Barratt Happy Monday Club
Are You In?
Do you pledge to make Monday a positive start to the week? if so let us know… either by commenting on here or by dropping by on Insta